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Extreme Teens
Ages 11-14
The Problem
Teens today are bombarded by things that can affect their self esteem. The media, pressure to fit in with peers, bullies, poor diet and nutrition, and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. It's no wonder that low self-confidence is an issue affecting so many young adults today.
The Solution
There's a reason why so many doctors, therapists, and psychologists recommend martial arts training for children and teens. Regular martial arts training helps teens become more sure of themselves which benefits every other area of their lives. Weight loss, increased flexibility, muscular development, and better posture are just a few of the physical benefits to martial arts training. Students also learn about goal setting, the importance of a positive attitude, visualization skills, and mentoring through the Breakthrough Leadership Team Program.
The Extreme Teens Program
The Breakthrough Extreme Teens curriculum is a unique blend of martial arts styles and techniques that builds a solid foundation for training in our Adult Wing Chun Program. Students learn basic submission grappling skills, self defense techniques, traditional weapons training, and extreme Kung Fu moves like jumping spinning kicks. Each class students are learning, sweating, and having a blast!
Getting Started
It's easy! Simply fill out the form on our site for a FREE week of classes and one of our experienced instructors will contact you for your FREE introductory lesson. Or you can call the academy today and make an appointment!